Sunday, October 7, 2007

50th Post: Peppered Tofurky slices with Guacamole, Crispy Smart Bacon and Tomatoes on Toast

I had this for lunch today. I've been dreaming of an excellent tofurky-guac sandwich for a while, but the guac gets eaten pretty fast around here.

The Title says it all: I toasted two pieces of bread and pan-fried three pieces of Smart Bacon with a little bit of non-stick spray oil. The secret is to use a cover on the pan and continue to flip the pieces. I wait until they are REALLY crispy, the Smart Bacon is not worth it otherwise.

I spread a couple Tablespoons on one piece of bread, layered Peppered Tofurky slices on another, put tomato slices on the tofurky, put bacon on top of tomatoes, and then sealed the deal with the guac piece on top. The guac was spicy and REALLY brought out the peppery tofurky. Great sandwich.

Another picture:

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